Foster Care


When kids in foster care crash-and-burn.

This piece is for people who as kids, lived in foster care,
and struggled extremely while there:
Foster care wasn't invented because of bad children.
Foster care was invented because of parents that fail their children.
(and occasionally, bad calls by case workers or judges)

Adults who were kids in foster care can have difficulties that are self-recycling.
They sometimes create crises when no apparent problems exist,
Though not a doctor or social worker, I offer this explanation:

The term 'adrenaline addiction' exists because there are adrenaline addicts.
Some people accidentally learn about adrenaline, 
and then intentionally practice doing things that produce an adrenaline rush.

Many children are now being trained to become adrenaline addicts
by the sports and videos they are introduced to.

In the world of foster care, this biochemical reaction can be a coping mechanism.

The biohomes of children who are placed in foster care, 
were often loaded with repeated, adrenaline-producing events:
Anger, beatings, abandonment, sexual abuse, lack of reliable shelter and sustained hunger.

All the things that put children into foster care - can trigger the production of adrenaline.

Long story short, the foster care system has many young adrenaline-addicts 
that need to be understood and managed.

The craving for adrenaline is what causes some of the bad decisions made by kids in foster care.

They grew used to adrenaline-events in their bio-homes,
and they need to recreate a crisis in foster care - to get a fresh rush of adrenaline.
See how that might work?

If you spent time in foster care, please examine your life and see if any of your current behaviors are echoes from an adrenaline-loaded childhood.

Because adrenaline-fueled behavior works no better in adulthood than it did in foster care.
Maybe just go ride a roller-coaster?


Some kids in foster care have flare-ups -
when they realize someone cares more about them than their own parents. It's true.

Our parents are supposed to love us more than anyone else. It's true.

It's very unsettling for a child to learn that someone cares more about them than dad and mom. Just like it's unsettling for a fatherless child to see other kids with their dads.

Sad but true.