(3 sections)


'Friendzone', to a young man, is a place where he gives attention,
even adoration, to a young woman, who he hopes to envelope romantically.

Yet, she is uninterested in him, romantically...ever.

But she tolerates his presence, even grants him occasional smiles and conversation
and receives gifts from him,
because her ego craves the adoration of boys who will humiliate themselves
to be near her, while she gives almost nothing in return.

And she doesn't want just one admirer. She wants her own cult.
And she wants to steal romantic opportunities from all the girls around her. 
She wants to impoverish other girls.
old FRIEND-ZONE boys,
still hoping for a  date


You may be quite familiar with the friendzone experience,
having lived in that parched desert as a fatherless son.

Yes, I suspect the boys most-likely to be lured into that oblivion we call 'the friendzone'
were often - fatherless sons.

Now, you are repeating your misfortune 
by letting a female use you as a friendzone minion.

You need to break that bad habit, quit wasting your life on this female
and get a life of your own.
Build relationships that will bear emotional fruit for you.


Perhaps we should feel the saddest for husbands or wives
who have been relegated to 'the friendzone' by their spouse.
Some marriages endure this, some don't.
This is why some boys are fatherless.
Friendzones help create fatherless boys.