

God exists

While there are several religions in the world, there is only one truly existent God.
All other 'gods' are the creation of human fantasies.

The true God is a trinity, just as you and I are trinities.
I am...... Eric the mind,...... Eric the spirit ......and Eric the body.

God is:
God the Father, 
God the Holy Spirit
God the Son, Jesus

God's official document is the Holy Bible
The Bible contains two contracts with humanity
The Old Testament was God contract with humanity before Jesus rose from the dead.
The New testament is God's contract with humanity since Jesus rose form the dead.
It is our owner's manual.

Warning: The Old and New Testaments have different requirements, 
and people will struggle if they try to keep both at once. 
The Old Testament is a really cool book, full of history and insights to God's personality,
but He modified His requirements for us, once Jesus rose from the dead,
after Jesus paid for our sins on the cross.
The New Testament is our current contract with God.


Our rebellion

The upraised fist is a western symbol of rebellion.
Rebellion is always against perceived authority figures.

The first human rebellion was conducted by Eve against God, in the Garden of Eden.
God gave Adam but one commandment, and Eve rebelled against it,
then Adam followed.

The Old Testament, among other things
is a record or human rebellions against God.

What's really weird is when people think they can doo things their own way,
but God is still obligated to let them into Heaven,
knowing that God threw Lucifer out of Heaven for trying to take over Heaven.

And let's face it, everyone that insists on living contrary to God's will
is trying to take over Heaven.
Because they expect Heaven to change for them when they get there.

It won't happen. Those will share a flat with Satan, for all eternity.

Jesus is a Big Deal

A lot of people are puzzled about Jesus and His role in all this Godstuff.


Sed pede ullamcorper amet ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque, a phasellus sit pulvinar vel integer.