Misery loves company


When we assess our family backgrounds here,
we look for weaknesses we might be prone to - as adults.

If jealousy is the root of one's misery, it is tough to be a good, kind adult.
You might know someone that tries to inflict their misery on others.
This is what unhealthy people do.

And this is a common thread in humanity.

We need to learn to spot this behavior in others,
to avoid being mired down by people who despise any happiness that isn't their happiness.

And we need to do a self-check, for everyone's sake, eh?

So many people focus on those who have more that they do,
but ignore those that have less.

Jesus taught his disciples to do just the opposite- to look at those who had less.

The worst jealousy?

Perhaps the worst jealousy is when someone who has suffered as a child
as an adult
passes that pain on - to an innocent child that should have been protected instead of abused.