Part-time Fatherlessness

Many men are part-time fathers.
Sometimes this is the father's fault.
Sometimes it is the mother's fault.
Sometimes it is a job's fault.
Sometimes it is a stepmother's fault (See: the 'Stepmother' article in this section).

Let's dig in.
photo: 953 thebear,com

Fatherless by occupation
(4 sections)

Some kids are nearly-fatherless because of the occupation their daddies have.
And some of these occupations are obsessions.
I'm thinking particularly of on-the-road-entertainers.

Some performers, of all types of musical and theater and screen performances, 
can be away from home 250-300 days a year.

And being away from home so much
can make other women look better than the wife and mother of their children.
Hollywood and Nashville has created a lot of 2nd-tier families.

And many other obsessive occupations have the same pitfalls.


So, maybe you find yourself in the midst of this tar-pot
not knowing what to do next.

1) You have a right to know the reason for your unhappiness
      and reckon the blame accordingly. 
     (if we can't recognize flaws in our family, we are likely to repeat them out of habit)
2) You have the right to decide what kind of relationship 
     you are willing to have with your perpetraitor.
3) Do what you need to, to learn how to be a good husband and father
     without having an occupation that destroys the people you should be devoted to.


fatherless by addiction.

What can I add that the children of these men don't already know?
Except, I KNOW that you are not required to share his addiction.
You can do better, because God gave you a free will.
You are not a slave to either of your parents' flaws, addictions or sins.

Mean dads

This is type of fatherlessness is confusing.

First, mean dads shouldn't exist, so it's like someone else is occupying his skin,
and his kids keep waiting for the real dad to appear.

Second, Most mean dads aren't mean all the time.

Third, the children of mean dads try to stay away from him,
which of course makes him more distant.

Fourth, some moms end their marriage because the man is so mean,
yet they often have legal visitation rights.

So, it's a pitiful situation.

Fatherless by hobby

This is a part-time fatherlessness.
USA Wives are sometime called 'golf-widows' or 'football-widows'.
Some UK kids could be called 'cricket-orphans' or rugby-orphans'.
And the only way to get close to dad is to take up a sport they may hate.