(10 sections)

There are so many relationships to maintain in adult life. 
And many relationships create sub-relationships,
For example, when a man marries, he gains in-laws.

And when his wife bears a child, these in-laws become grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins -
to be accommodated in some fashion - for the sake of the child and the in-laws.
Let's take this one bit at a time and see what happens.
the shoemaker and his apprentice. peter angelis. 1725

Educational Relationships

Gaining job skills is one form of adult education.
Adult education is quite different from childhood schooling.
Schoolboys can get away with things that adult learners can't.

Bad behavior in adult education can absolutely slam the school's door in one's face 
and destroy opportunities, especially if scholarships are involved. 
I know adults who have thrown away scholarships because they missed too many classes.
The career they wanted...just evaporated - because they ignored the requirements.

An adult learner should never consider himself equal to the teacher, 
but as a novice being guided into the unknown, as it applies to that subject.
And the teacher should not see the student as an object of scorn or as an amusement, 
but as a potential guardian-of-the-trade that is being taught.

When proper teacher/student mindsets merge, the exchange is challenging, 
yet pleasant and productive.

If you dropped-out of school, you can always go back and graduate.

Secret: I dropped out of high school, tinkered around for a while,
then went back and finished earning my high school diploma.
It can be done. 
It can be humiliating to re-apply to finish school,
but it is probably more humiliating to apply for a job and have to tell the interviewer
that you didn't finish high school at all.

The later on, I began taking night classes for several years and finally earned 
a bachelor's degree in Business Admin. 
laurel and Hardy: Bonnie scotland 1935


The attitudes we have toward our jobs and our coworkers 
can make our lives pleasant or insufferable.
Do what you can - to get along with others and enjoy your work as much as you can,
while making yourself a real asset to your employer.

If things seem unbearable, decide how much you can tolerate before taking the next step.
Define your options for that next step, before leaving.

And try hard NOT to be an employee that other people avoid.
If coworkers avoid you, you may be the problem.


Oh, mercy me.  Too much here to unpack in this little bit of space.
There is a section later on just for 'Marriage'.
'sign with robert'


But I have space here to talk about in-laws.
When a man and a woman marry, in-laws are gained on both sides.
When a man and a woman marry, the demands on their time changes.

Not only does a man need to make time for his wife - beyond romance,
he also needs to make time for things that important are to his wife,
including her relatives...his in-laws.
(I didn't comprehend, when I married my wife, I would have another set of house gutters to clean.)

Some in-laws see the new family as an extension of their own family,
which is partly true and partly false.
Some family traditions must be reborn for the new couple to have a successful marriage.

? Everyone at the parental home for every holiday - at noon - for the big meal - 
with both sides of the family? mathematically impossible.

There, the secret is out.


Children are quite a responsibility.

It is possible to parent a child badly and intentionally.
I just read of a mother, who decades ago
scheduled her daughter's wisdom teeth removal for her 16th birthday!
I can't imagine this was accidental,
so you have the opportunity to be a better parent than that.

But each child has their own personality,
Some kids can be told once and they get it.
Some kids, from the same parents, need much more instruction and oversight.
Partly because some kids don't want to get it.

Trying to give specialized guidance and discipline to each child
may seem unfair to one of the other children.
And they likely won't understand the reasons until they have kids of their own.



Part of 'structure' is self-control in difficult situations.
Have you every been a real failure in a difficult situation,
then after your world exploded, you wondered why?
Read on.

God is all-knowing. 
He knows everything we are going to do, before we do it.
How does that work?

My belief: God knows each of our personalities so completely
that He can decipher our next move because He knows exactly who we are.

Your mama often knew what you were going to do before you did it.
How is that?
Because she knew what you would do in a given situation.
And God is far smarter than your mama.

Here is a helper book for you.

Tim La Haye's book divides personalities into four major types and then several combinations.
This helps us identify our own emotional strengths and weaknesses.
This helps us avoid blow-ups and melt-downs.

And as we begin to understand ourselves and others,
we can then wrestle with our own natural flaws (we all have flaws)
and can retrain ourselves to practice better behavior.

And train our children to be better at life.



Ass we grow up, we must tend to our citizenry 
and conform our behavior to certain legal standards
or we can be sued - or go to jail.

While our moms often first teach us about social behavior,
our dads should be the one to first teach us about 'civic compatibility'.

This is why fatherless boys are more likely to run afoul of the law.
Moms assume better behavior of their sons -
- than many boys can muster without dad's daily guidance.

There are so many ways to break the law, and so many laws to break:
* Driving laws, how we operate a vehicle.
* Personal safety laws, how we treat each other.
* Personal property laws, how we treat property we don't own.
* Commerce laws, that concern shoplifting, insurance fraud, identity theft, etc. 
   and things like non-payment of agreed-upon obligations.
* Substance abuse, 
   which creates behavioral issues and black-market commerce that harms others.
introvert party bus

Relational boundaries

How many relationships will you maintain as an adult?
You have some choice in the matter.

Introverts prefer fewer relationships than extroverts.
You need to know the difference between introverts and extroverts
because you will likely have both types of people in your life,
and they too will have relational boundaries you need to be aware of.


We may choose more education, which must have relationships.
We will choose our career direction, which must have relationships.

If we are romantically inclined, this brings layers of relationships.
If we make babies, we not only create other human beings,
we also create more relationships on several levels,
which will include little friends and school teachers.

When we need medical care or legal help, we form relationships.

Anytime we need someone to do for us something we cannot do for ourselves,
we must engage in a relationship at some level.
I have spent my life working, producing items and services to meet the needs
of countless people I have never met or just know on a surface level.

Our success in life depends a lot on our ability to build beneficial relationships.
And of course, our eternal salvation depends on a successful relationship with God.

And no matter how small
our life-bus, we need to save a front seat for God.


Mentioned last, but most important, is our relationship with God.
The Eternal Heavenly Father

Our mortal life, even if 100 years long,
is just drop of water in the sea of eternity.
We will all exist somewhere...forever.

We need to know God,
and if we don't know Him now
we need to work on that.