

Part of your life-journey...may include a stepfather...or two...or three?
Many kids have a stepfather.

Some stepfathers try very hard to be good stepfathers.
Some stepfathers try to be real dads.
And many kids appreciate this...but not all kids do,

For some boys, being a stepson is like being a bellboy at a busy hotel,
so many different men, so much traffic through the front door.
And the men may be polite, but they are there for their own reasons.

Most kids want their biodad and biomom to be home, together.
And no one can change the kids' minds.
They have a right to wish for their bioparents to be together,
and this wish is perfectly logical.
This is a holy wish - destroyed by adult selfishness.

Some stepfathers are mean, and some are overtly unfair between their biokids and step kids.
Their funerals will be a relief to many. Point blank.

A mother's romantic inclinations can be a real burden to her children
when she lacks commons sense, lacks self-control...or any degree of Godliness.


(It's Christmas Day 2023, and I'm reading a prayer request from a prayer chain I belong to.
A grandmother is praying for safety for her grandkids from their mother's boyfriend.
I'm angry at both the boyfriend and the mother. She needs to walk away.
