(7 sections)

The mothers of 1,000,000 fatherless males.

If I could sort out the mothers of 1,000,000 fatherless males,
according to what the mothers may have done wrong,
looking for those who intentionally planned their sons' fatherlessness,
I'm sure I would find at least a few of each type listed below.


I'm sure, that out of 1,000,000 fatherless men, a very few mothers pushed away the father, 
because the baby expressed too much affection for daddy.     No kidding.

Some mothers think they deserve to always be the most important person in their child's life, 
that the child should always love mommy more than daddy.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?"

Does that sound mentally ill to you?
It does to me; if not outright evil.
Well, it happens.

father-victim and his twin executioners


As a crime show buff, I have seen multiple TV episodes
where in the divorce/child custody scenario, the wife's family helped the wife
kill the husband/father to gain sole custody of the child.

This is extreme, very-intentional single-parenting.

source: Aaron Smith Killed By Ex-Wife Denice, Her Twin Deborah Graham | Crime News (

False accusations

In times of marital break-ups, so many wives/mothers lie about the husband/father -
about him being an abusive husband or a child molester.

Here is God's heart on false testimony, first stated in the Old Testament:

Deuteronomy 19:
15One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense 
    they may have committed. 
    A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
16If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse someone of a crime, 
17the two people involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the Lord 
     before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. 
18The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, 
     giving false testimony against a fellow Israelite, 

19then do to the false witness as that witness intended to do to the other party. 
     You must purge the evil from among you.


So, if we used that legal principle today:
If a wife/mother falsely accused her husband of sexually abusing their child,
she should serve the prison sentence for incest/child-rape, 
and when released, she should have to register as a sex-offender.  

Think about that. 
And consider the New Testament verse - at the left - the eternal fate of all unrepentant liars.

If I were a son - whose mom told me such things about my dad,
I would want to investigate the matter and hear from both sides of my family.


And if a woman coaches her child to echo her lies, this is even worse.
That child, as an adult, needs to speak to the authorities to clear the father's name.

And any divorce lawyer that initiates false accusations is in big trouble with God.

We are seeing false accusations of sexual assaults - taint every corner of life, 
from political candidates to sports figures being falsely charged with sexual abuse.
One great fury of God will be directed against liars who lie to ruin another person's career
or lie to extort money or to gain any other kind of personal benefit -
like sole custody.
stabbing victim


What is a Dagger-child?
This is a child that is used as a weapon, by either parent against the other parent.
But in the is the child that is the most wounded.

This is so common it is pathetic, and it is rare when it doesn't happen.
A lot of you guys have dagger wounds.

If nothing else, seemingly bland comments about the failures of the other parent
are daggering - but the surest victim is the child.

One form of daggering is the custodial parent refusing visitation for the other parent.
And then the custodial parent saying,
"They must not love you enough to come get you".


This refusal to allow a visit often comes if child support isn't being paid,
which is another thrust of the knife.
Refusal to pay child support is often a dagger toward the custodial parent.


But sometimes, non-payment seems partially justified, though still illegal. 
When a man pays child support, then sees his child go to school with worn-out shoes
while the mother regularly gets her nails done and other adults eating their food?

This is a valid issue in custodial disputes -

When the children are so underfed that they can't study properly -
yet the adults in the house are obese? 
The judge should compare the BMIs of the adults v. the BMIs of the children.
that bank in stockholm

Stockholm Syndrome

'Stockholm Syndrome' was labeled as a mental health issue in 1973, 
after a man in Stockholm, Sweden robbed a bank and took captives.
Some of the captives emotionally-bonded with him, none of them would testify against him
and some of them even raised money for his legal defense.

This sounds like a lot of children from damaged homes.

The child gets a regular, one-sided commentary about the other parent, 
from the parent - that the child must rely on for the necessities of life.

I have no doubt believing and declaring that many of these custodial parents,
hold and preach........untrue doctrine about the non-custodial parent.

And the child, craving an emotional comfort zone, accepts these declarations,
even though they may be false.

This is cultish. Yes, a family can be a cult.
These children, as adults, need to verify the information they have been fed over the years
to see what is true and what is false.

You have the right, and the obligation - to your own children - to verify your childhood.
You can then tell your children the truth about their grandparents
instead of parroting any lies you may have heard.